Sunday, June 1, 2008

Kem Seksualiti Remaja

Salam to all.
The above camp on Teen Sexuality needs 2 male and 2 female facilitators. (Conducted most probably in Malay Language) The camp will be an overnight camp at Masjid Al Istighfar (Pasir Ris) this Saturday and Sunday.

Please contact Bro Faizal Abdollah directly at if you are interested to assist in the programme.

InsyaAllah I'll be assisting them with the programme, so hope see some of you people there.

Please forward this to those who may be interested in it.

Assalamualaikum wr wb,

Bro Muzammil,

We hope you are well and good. We like to share with you on the Kem Seksualiti Remaja we are organizing this coming school holidays.

We like to invite the children or teens from your programmes to benefit from the camp. For your information, we will be providing 90% subsidy of the $100 fee for the 2-days camp for children from the lower SES. As such, they only need to pay $10 for the 2 days.

We will be able to allocate 5 spaces for children or teens from the lower SES referred by your organsiations. Alternatively you may also wish to pass this information to those students or others whom you feel may benefit from this program. Do let us know if you wish to make the referral and we will forward the Registration Forms to you accordingly.

Looking forward to your favourable reply. Do call me personally or Ms Fazline at 6842 8160 should you have any queries. Thank you.


Muhammad Faizal Abdollah

Training Consultant

SuChi Success Initiatives Pte Ltd

167 Geylang Road #03-05 Singapore 389242

Tel: 6842 8161/60 Fax: 6747 2767

Facilitators for "Management Qolbu" needed =)

Assalamualaikum Dearest Mentors =)
Madrasah Irsyad is organising a camp for their secondary 1-5 students this wednesday till friday 4th, 5th and 6th of June.
The madrasah need 4 male and 4 female volunteer to be facilitators for the camp and go through the program with the students.
The camp is Entitled "Management Qolbu" and aims to inject positivism in students so that they can excel in their studies and beyond, InsyAllah. =) It is organised by a training company in indonesia, and the team of trainers coming to this camp is led by the younger brother of Ustaz Aagym.
Those interested can contact kak Yanis directly at 94304317, or email her at Alternatively, you can call me at 91282157 or email me at .
Thank you very much
Kind Regards
Noor Sarah =)
P.S: Camp starts at 8am every morning =) Facis need not stay over.
P.P.S: Im going! Hope to see you there too. hehe!